What's a Fila?
A Fila Brasileiro is a dog. Just in case that wasn't already obvious from the image above. But it seems there is some confusion on what this dog should look like and how it should behave. As with all dog breeds there is a standard that describes all this. In this case there are even two. One is from Brasil where the Fila originates from CAFIB. The other is from the FCI. As with all dog related organizations those blueprints need to be taken with a grain of salt. So without further ado here is an abstract of the most relevant parts for potential owners:

The fur of a Fila is due to its origin in warmer climates short. That doesn't mean that it can't withstand freezing cold temperatures but it will always prefer warmth. We've reached about -35°C a few years back and all our fury four legged friends still had fun outside. There are different color variants of the fur. One is fawn as Bellissimo and Rohana in this case light brown. Fawn can also be a slightly darker, more redish brown like you can see on Bellissario and Uhura. All fawn variants build the base for brindle (dark stripes). Again this varies between Chavela with massive dark streaks and Tessa who has only a few streaks but also some white parts.
Size and Weight
Filas are not small dogs. Consider the average shoulder height of about 70cm and the weight of 50kg. Bitches are a bit smaller and weight less. Due to their field of work as protector of farm and cattle (some times hunting dog) they are muscular and agile as long as they are kept well. Their appetite doesn't seem to stop so gaining weight by eating too much is easy.

Those that have earned the trust of their Fila will have the chance to experience a most sensitive and affectionate creature that will do absolutely everything for their owner. On neutral territory, meaning outside the own four walls and the yard, in a shopping mall i.e., Filas don't care much for strangers. This behavior changes when walking alone in a dark alley for example. In this case the Fila turns into a protector. They also tend to be very protective of their family at home so strangers or irregular visitors are not very welcome. In our experience Filas tend to be more receptive to the mood of their owners than other dogs and they reflect that mood - good and bad.Health
In general a Fila is a very healthy dog as long as its living environment is good. The two things that may lead to problems (and a short life) are heavy weight and too much loose skin. The weight is easily regulated by how much food is offered so that's up to the owner. Loose skin (which is directly related to gastric torsion) is a genetic precursor. Again this is easily verified by looking at the parents and if possible grand parents. And while you are at it also check how long the grand parents have lived (the parents are hopefully still alive). Another crucial point is exercise. Filas need a lot of physical and mental exercise. Putting the dog out in the garden alone for the whole day won't do it. The owner needs to engage the Fila in some work or game. In conclusion if your Filas parents were healthy you are off to a good start. Your part is to feed good quality food in reasonable portions and make sure there is enough mental and physical stimulus.