Her full name is Tahira Recanto da Cêpa. She was born March, 9th 2014. Her parents are Chavela and Bellissimo.

Tahira loves her toys. Be it ball or stuffed animal she retrieves it and carries it around. Head held high and proud. It's mostly the carrying that counts for her. She is absolutely willing to give you her prize and retrieve it again if thrown. But carrying it and receiving praise for her brevity is her favorite.Like Father
In the short periode of time when she is not playing with Tessa or Minnie Tahira presents the same over all relaxed charisma as Bellissimo does. In this they are so similar that when one of them is curled up resting on the terrace you have to look twice to know who it really is.

- Croatian Champion
- Bosnian Champion
- Republika Srpska Champion