His full name is Bellissimo von der Neuen Welt. Born on March, 23rd 2006 to Higienolpolis Diara and Gol II da Serra Do Itanhandu. Like his brother Bellissario. Due to a sound life style (and genetics) Bellissimo enjoys excellent health.

This is probably the best word to describe Bellissimo's character. His behaviour ranges from really excited jumping to totally relaxed lying around, observing. Bellissimo is a well traveled dog. His impressive list of titles is the least part of his journeys. He is accompanying us on a regular basis so there is not a lot he as not see or experienced. That reflects in his demeanor.

- International Champion
- Adriatic Champion
- Austrian Champion
- Slovenian Champion
- Croation Champion
- Balkan Champion
- Montenegrin Champion
- Mazedonian Champion
- Georgian Champion
- Bulgarian Champion
- Austrian Veteran Champion
- Slovenian Veteran Champion
- Coratian Veteran Champion
- Slovenian Grand Champion
- CAFIB approved